Watch in High Quality Here are the links to both parts of this video: Part 1: Part 2: NO CHEATS and no mods were used. This is a completely legitimate game. PC Version 1.0 There are no edits in this video? what you see is what actually happened. Here are the details: The video starts off as a saved game? six of the Story Missions have already been completed: 1) In the Beginning (just a cut-scene, not really a mission) 2) Big Smoke 3) Ryder 4) Tagging Up Turf 5) Cleaning the Hood 6) Drive-Thru ?after Drive-Thru Sweet calls Carl to let him know about the Gym in Ganton, I saved the game after completing the mission, but before taking Sweet?s call? that?s where the video starts. Aside from Carl?s Muscle, all skills are at a bare minimum. Between the missions I went to the outdoor gym in Verona Beach and built up Carl?s Muscle? I also went to East Beach and got an NRG-500, I stored it in the garage at the Johnson House? I also got some Tear Gas. The only other items that Carl has were gotten from the story missions themselves: a Baseball Bat and a Spray Can. The Gym Moves (Fight Moves) can be learned at three different Gyms: 1) Ganton Gym in Los Santos 2) Cobra Martial Arts in San Fierro 3) Below the Belt Gym in Las Venturas In Las Venturas I showed how to quickly get some food and Body Armor before going to the gym itself. After I returned from Las Venturas I went into the Johnson House and demonstrated how to remove ?
The Grass Type Gym Leader Of The Sinnoh Region!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
50 Responses to ?How to learn all three Gym Moves (Fight Moves) very early in the Game ? GTA San Andreas ? Part 1 (of 2)?
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how come when i learn the moves, they say to press ?Return? for the attacks, but it says ?w? for you?
where do you get that Grenade?
Why ?W? all the time? Shit?
@HarrisSpinos Nah dude he spelled it right
@MrOMGWTFxCorp Because he entered to a part of San Andreas he didn?t unlock yet.
@ZMOONCHILD Its actually MARITAL arts not martial arts. you know, as in if your married or not?
Which are the best moves?
con que programa grabas? el que yo uso me alenta el juego with which program you record? I use the game encourages me
great video, i?ll do this next time i play san andreas
. just wondering though, why didn?t you use the helicopter to get all the way to the gym in las venturas, then use it to fly back to the grove?
I hate the dude on SF-UR as much as San Andreas?s graphics on PC.
Stupid depressed german freak.
Actually, jeandinizp, the martial arts gym in Karate Kid was called the Cobra Kai dojo. The gym in San Fierro is called Cobra Martial Arts. The word ?Cobra? is very common when referring to the martial arts.
Rockstar Games does not make direct movie references with proper names; their movie references are more subtle, such as similarities in plotlines, etc.
the Sf academy is from Karate kid the kobra kay
@ZMOONCHILD nope, he don?t mean F1 and F2, that?s for ps2, for pc its: hesoyam =)
its kind of hidden when i figured it out. you can get it near the beachside on a big 3story parking lot its on the top no mods swear. no beachside specifically but just on the beach
its kind of hidden when i figured it out. you can get it near the beachside on a big 3story parking lot its on the top no mods swear
How did you get the teargas?
Sorry About This.But Iplay GTA SAn Andreas on Directx10.0. It works But You Know How i Donwload Directx 9.0c. I try all Website To Donwload DIrecxt 9.0c But no one Working Can You HElp ME please??
afro = low sex apeal boost get a corn row
That kick at 1:25 how did you do that ?
i like the sinnoh gym leader music
More Playing! Less Talking!
is this a hack? it must be?.why would Gardenia say ?i love trees!!!?
@TheStorHead just to tell u all sinnoh starters have an advantage infernape can take torterra out with flamethrower and empoleon with closecombat and empoleon can destroy infernape with hydropump an torterra with ice beam and at last torterra can takeout infernape with earthquake and empoleon with any grass type move
You can tell that this is fake, 0:36 spelled ?dissapoint? wrong, its ?disappoint?!
no torterra rocks cuase he learns FUCKING EARTQUAE
Typhlosion owns Torterra!!!
Quel est le nom, la musique?
im happy that gardenia did,t use that pokemons in pearl,diamond and platinum
Torterra owns Infernape and Empoleon
??. that person is me. im also the torterra master.
@daflarenikka221 yes? they do
Am i the only one who Notices how he acts like his Typholosion is so good yet its like his only move his typholosion has is Eruption?
0:35 NICE SARCASIM srry caps
@shoppergirl93 Learn how to rom hack, my friend.
@TheKoopa4561 i think hes funny :p
ayee doess anybody know if normal ds games work on the 3DS?!!!
is a hack 4 people asked is imposible only with emulators
how do you get the sinnoh gym leaders on pokemon soulsilver?